House Cleaning Cost Factors: Type, Timetable, Home Location

In part one of this two-part blog series, we looked over some of the simplest factors that will play a major role in the cost of your housekeeping or house cleaning needs. From the size of your home to the number of people living in it and several others, there are a few different considerations you’ll have to think about when looking to budget for these needs.

At Healthy Homes Housekeeping, all of our standard house cleaning, deep cleaning and other services come with simple, straightforward pricing structures that we’ll be happy to detail for any prospective client. What are some of the other key elements that may impact this? Here are a few.

Cleaning Type Required

Another of the most significant cost factors will be the type of cleaning required. A routine housekeeping service will, of course, be priced differently than a deep cleaning or move-out cleaning. The latter two services are generally going to require more time and effort on our part, and thus will be reflected in the price.

Move-out cleaning, for instance, will typically need to be a bit more thorough than a typical cleaning. We understand that you’ll want your security deposit back, and we’ll work hard to clean every nook and cranny to make that happen.

How Quickly You Need the Job Done

While most of our regular clients hire us for repeat services where scheduling is done in advance, there may be special occasions or circumstances that pop up where you need a cleaning service on relatively short notice. For instance, maybe you have family or friends coming in from out of town and your home isn’t quite ready for visitors.

In this case, we may be able to accommodate you with an expedited cleaning service that can get the job done quickly and efficiently. We’ll bring more of our employees to your home than usual to get the work done as quickly as possible, but this will be reflected in the price.

Home Location

While this generally won’t be the largest price factor out there for your house cleaning needs, it’s still something to keep in mind. If you live in a particularly remote or rural area, it may cost us a bit more to get our cleaning crew out to your home than if you were located right in town.

This is why we always recommend that prospective clients give us a call so we can give them an accurate price quote for their specific circumstances.

These are just a few of the key factors that will play into the cost of your house cleaning services. To learn more about what we can do for you or to get a free price quote, be sure to contact Healthy Homes Housekeeping today.

Ogden House Cleaning Cost Factors: Size, Condition, Occupants

How much we spend on various home services and needs is important to many residents, and house cleaning solutions are no exception. You want to know not only how much you’re spending on housekeeping or similar services, but what your money is going toward and what you can expect from any professional service you employ here.

At Healthy Homes Housekeeping, we’re happy to provide all our Ogden clients with detailed cost breakdowns and estimates for any of our services, from standard maintenance cleaning through deep cleaning and several others. What are some of the top elements that will play a role in your cleaning costs, and how should you consider them? We’ll go over that in this two-part blog series.

Home Size

The first and typically one of the largest factors in your cleaning estimate will be the size of your home. This includes not only the number of rooms or square footage but also things like high ceilings, many windows, and other such details. A house that’s easy to move around in and doesn’t require a lot of time to clean will obviously cost less than one that’s more challenging.

In some cases, your cleaning company will first conduct a basic walk-through or survey to determine an accurate estimate of the size of your home. If you’re unsure, simply ask how they determine cost based on home size and what specific factors they take into account.

Home Condition

Another key cost factor is the overall condition of your home. A house that’s generally tidy and doesn’t have a lot of dirt, dust, or debris will be much easier and faster to clean than one that’s cluttered or has built-up grime. If your home is in good condition, you can expect to pay less for cleaning services.

On the flip side, if your home is in need of some serious TLC, you may want to look into special services like deep cleaning or heavy-duty cleaning. These are geared toward homes that require more time and attention to get them back into tip-top shape.

Number of Residents

The number of people living in your home will also play a role in the cost of your cleaning services. The more people you have in your home, the more likely it is to get dirty on a regular basis. As such, you can expect to pay more for cleaning services if you have a larger household.

On the other hand, if you live alone or have only a few people in your home, you may be able to get by with less frequent cleanings. This can save you money in the long run, as you won’t have to pay for services as often.

These are just a few of the top factors that will affect the cost of your Ogden house cleaning services. In our next blog, we’ll go over a few more areas to consider. For more on this, or to learn about any of our house cleaning and maid services, speak to the staff at Healthy Homes Housekeeping today.


Outdoor Spring Cleaning: Porch, Furniture, Walls

In part one of this two-part blog series, we looked at a theme that some homeowners don’t consider enough during their spring cleaning: Outdoor areas. While many typically have a yearly routine for cleaning their homes during the spring, one that may or may not involve professional housekeeping services, some don’t pay attention to some outdoor themes that also should be kept in mind.

At Healthy Homes Housekeeping, we’re happy to help a variety of Ogden clients with all their spring cleaning and maintenance cleaning needs, including every area of your home. Whether on your own or with our help, what are some of the other main outdoor areas you should be considering during outdoor spring cleaning? Here’s a primer.

Porch and/or Patio

Another common area to overlook during spring cleaning is the porch or patio. If you have either of these, it’s important to sweep them down and clean them off regularly – not just in the spring. However, the springtime is a great opportunity to give them both a more thorough cleaning.

This may include power washing if there is significant dirt or grime build-up. You may also want to consider re-sealing concrete or stone surfaces if they are starting to look worn. This will help protect them from further weathering and wear-and-tear.

Outdoor Furniture and Grill Area

Whether you have a porch, patio, deck, or other outdoor living space, chances are you also have some outdoor furniture. This may include a dining set, chairs, loungers, or other pieces — and may also include your grill and grill area. Many times, this furniture can be easily overlooked when it comes to cleaning because it’s not used as frequently as indoor furniture.

However, just like indoor furniture, it still needs to be cleaned on a regular basis – including in the spring. This may require simply wiping down surfaces or, if the furniture is significantly dirty, hosing it off and scrubbing it down.

You should also take this opportunity to inspect your furniture for any damage. This may include worn fabric, loose screws, or other problems. If you catch these early, they can often be easily repaired. However, if they are left unchecked, they can often lead to more serious damage – and may even require you to replace the piece entirely.

Exterior Walls

Finally, especially if you notice specific buildups of dirt or grime, it may be a good idea to give your home’s exterior walls a good cleaning. This is often best done with a power washer, which can quickly and easily remove dirt, pollen, and other buildups.

If you don’t have a power washer or would prefer not to use one, you can also clean your home’s exterior walls with a garden hose and some elbow grease. However, this will likely take significantly longer – and may not be as effective.

For more on these areas, or to learn about any of our basic cleaning, deep cleaning or other house cleaning services, speak to the team at Healthy Homes Housekeeping today.


Outdoor Spring Cleaning: Windows, Gutters, Garage

As the weather turns warm and spring comes about, many homeowners think about some basic spring cleaning themes for their homes. And while many consider their home’s interior first while taking this approach, it’s vital not to forget about certain important outdoor areas that also should get some cleaning after the Utah winter.

At Healthy Homes Housekeeping, we’re proud to assist clients with any cleaning needs they may have this time of year, including everything from basic cleaning and spring cleaning services to deep cleaning, move-in/move-out cleaning and more. Whether on your own or with whatever assistance you need from our team, what are some important outdoor spring cleaning themes to hit this time of year? This two-part blog series will go over several.

Exterior Window Cleaning

One area of your home’s exterior that may take a beating over the winter is your windows. Between the accumulation of snow and ice, as well as salt used to de-ice walkways and driveways, it’s important to take some time this spring to clean your home’s windows properly. Not only will this make them look much better, but it will also help them function more optimally.

You should be checking your window screens as well at this time of year – if they’re damaged, it’s a good idea to get them repaired or replaced so that you don’t have any unwanted guests (such as insects) coming into your home through the windows.

Gutter Cleaning

Another important exterior cleaning task to take on in the spring is your home’s gutters. If they haven’t been cleaned regularly (or at all) over the winter, there’s a good chance that they’ll be filled with leaves, branches and other debris. This can lead to a number of problems, such as water damage to your home’s exterior, blocked drainage and more.

Be sure to wear gloves and use a ladder when cleaning your gutters – it’s not a job you want to do more than once this season!

Garage Cleaning

Another area that may fall into some disorganization during the winter in many homes is the garage. If you’re like most people, the garage is generally used for storage – and it’s likely that a lot of that storage was put to use in the past few months.

Now is a good time to go through everything that’s been stored in the garage and get rid of anything that you no longer need. This will help to clear out some space and make it easier to find what you’re looking for when you need it. You may also want to consider organizing the remaining items in the garage so that it’s more functional for you.

In part two of our series, we’ll go over some other important areas to consider here. For more on outdoor spring cleaning themes to keep in mind this year, or to learn about any of our housekeeping services, speak to the pros at Healthy Homes Housekeeping today.


Ogden Super Bowl Party Cleaning Recommendations

For those who are so inclined, a major sporting event approaches on the calendar: The Super Bowl! If you’re the sort who hosts a yearly Super Bowl party at your home, or if you’ve just decided to do so this year, there are a few important areas to think about in advance — and one of these is cleaning.

At Healthy Homes Housekeeping, we’re proud to offer a wide range of maintenance cleaning and deep cleaning services to clients throughout Ogden. Our services can range from scheduled periodic cleanings to jobs specific to a certain event, including those who are looking for some help cleaning up their home either before or after a Super Bowl party. If you’re among this group, here are a few simple recommendations to consider ahead of the big day.

Pay Attention to the Major Areas

As you’ve likely already considered, even the biggest Super Bowl parties are mostly confined to a few specific areas of your home. For the most part, you’ll be setting up and enjoying your party in and around the kitchen and living room, plus any areas you need to walk through to move from one to the other.

Whether on your own or with some professional assistance, make sure to give these areas enough attention. The kitchen, in particular, probably needs special attention. If you’ll be serving food and drinks that need to be kept at a certain temperature, make sure dishes are done ahead of time and the dishwasher is running in advance so it can begin heating up for the big day.

Storage Themes

One big part of many house cleaning projects is properly storing things that are no longer needed. At Healthy Homes Housekeeping, we think of this as a storage theme: You’ll want to put away anything that’s not in use and bring out anything you might need for the party.

If it’s your first Super Bowl party at the house, don’t forget to do some preparation before people arrive so you have time to enjoy the party. If you need some help, consider a deep cleaning service from a local professional housekeeping company in your area.

Call the Pros if Needed

If your space isn’t too large and you’re only having a few guests over for your Super Bowl party, you might feel totally confident in handling all pre- and post-party cleaning needs on your own. If you’re having a larger event, however, or even if you simply don’t want to invest lots of time in cleaning your home, make sure to give some thought to hiring a professional housekeeping company.

With the Super Bowl fast approaching, contact us at Healthy Homes Housekeeping today so we can get started on making sure you have the right plans for your Ogden party! Get in touch with us to learn about these or any of our other services.


Winter Cleaning Checklist: De-Cluttering, Deep Cleaning, Windows

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some basics on winter cleaning for your home. While many people employ periodic house cleaning services like ours for their needs throughout the year, winter in Ogden is a particular season where additional forms of dirt and grime make cleaning in between your professional appointments an important task as well.

At Healthy Homes Housekeeping, we’re proud to serve clients throughout Utah with a variety of maid and house cleaning services, including everything from standard maintenance cleaning to deep cleaning, move-in and move-out services and more. We’re also happy to provide basic tips to clients on how to keep their homes clean in between our appointments, with simple daily tasks that take little time or effort. Here are some other top such areas to consider during the winter season.

General De-Cluttering

Both for practical and aesthetic reasons, de-cluttering your home is almost always a good practice. A lot of clutter can build up in the course of a year that you likely don’t even realize during periods when you’re not taking it all in at once.

De-cluttering can be both an ongoing and a specific task, depending on your daily habits. As you move through the winter months and towards the end of it, you can take time to do a more thorough job of de-cluttering. It’s not as easy as throwing stuff out or giving things away, as there is often some thought involved in deciding what is worth keeping around and what isn’t anymore. Make sure every item has a practical use for you or a place to go before you get rid of it.

Deep Clean Curtains, Carpets and Furniture

Items like curtains, carpets and furniture pieces are at some of the highest risk of picking up dirt and other grime during the winter. Dry dirt from snow accumulates in carpets and furniture, while humidity and condensation build up between window panes and on glass surfaces.

For this reason, periodic deep cleaning of these surfaces throughout the winter is important to keep germs, allergens and other potential problems at bay. Curtains are one of the biggest culprits for trapping heavy accumulations of pet dander, dust and pollen inside your home. Not only can this make your allergies act up, but it also contributes to conditions like asthma.

Wash the Windows

One commonly overlooked area among homeowners performing DIY cleaning: washing the windows. Windows are a frequently touched surface in your house, and over time accumulate a lot of dirt and grime from hands, pets, people and cars… not to mention the chemicals from snow-melting agents used by public services. Repeat this process throughout winter to keep them spotless for optimal visibility.

For more on winter cleaning checklist items to be clear on, or to learn about any of our maintenance or deep cleaning services, speak to the staff at Healthy Homes Housekeeping today.


Ogden Winter Cleaning Checklist: HVAC and Kitchen Appliances

Different seasons of the year come with changing needs for cleaning within the home, and the winter is perhaps the best example. Unique elements like snow, ice, salt and others that will likely be tracked into the home create different cleaning needs, and cold temperatures also lead to a few different circumstances that aren’t really present in other seasons.

At Healthy Homes Housekeeping, we’re proud to offer a variety of house cleaning services throughout Ogden, from basic maintenance cleaning to deep cleaning, move-in/move-out cleaning and more — available year-round no matter the season. For many of our clients who receive periodic cleaning services from us, however, keeping things tidy in between visits is an important consideration, and it’s vital to know some of the unique winter areas to keep an eye on. Let’s go over several important themes to cover in this two-part blog series — we’ll start in today’s part one with items that should be covered during the early parts of winter, while part two will dig into ongoing themes throughout the season.

Check the HVAC System

Whether your home is heated using a furnace, a heat pump or any other HVAC system, it’s important to take a look when the temperature begins to drop. Even when your home is kept at a comfortable temperature throughout much of the year, you’ll want to ensure that your HVAC system is operating properly — and that its general area is kept clean and free of dust or debris.

This starts with HVAC filters, which should be removed and replaced on a regular basis depending upon the type you have in place. These filters should be checked at least once per month, preferably starting in autumn or winter, to ensure that they’re doing their job.

Dryer Vent Cleaning

Whether on your own or with the assistance of professionals, taking a look at the dryer vent and cleaning it out regularly is an excellent idea — such as before or during winter. This can be done either through specific vent cleaning products, manual vacuuming or using a combination of both methods.

Cleaning this area is important because it removes potential lint buildup — making for better efficiency of the dryer, and reducing the risk of a fire.

Deep Clean Kitchen Appliances

Many people do a lot more cooking during the winter months, especially during the holidays, so it pays to perform a deep clean on various kitchen appliances early in the season. This includes ovens, microwaves, toasters and more.

Be sure to take care of any spills or messes as soon as they happen, and use a general degreasing agent on all kitchen surfaces at least once per month. Doing so will help keep your kitchen looking neat and tidy not just during the winter season, but throughout the year.

For more on how to keep your home clean and tidy in between visits from our housekeepers this winter, or to learn about any of our maid services in Ogden, speak to the staff at Healthy Homes Housekeeping today.

Mold in Homes: Removal Methods and Professional Assistance

In part one of this two-part blog series, we went over some of the basic risks of mold in the home, plus a few common methods to remove it. Mold is harmful to both human health and aesthetics, but there are several tactics both homeowners and house cleaners can take to remedy mold growths.

At Healthy Homes Housekeeping, our varied house cleaning services include several mold remediation solutions, whether we’re performing basic weekly cleaning, deep cleaning or any of our other programs. What are some of the other simple removal methods that might be available to you if mold is present in your home? Here are a few to consider.

Baking Soda for Mold Removal

Baking soda is another good option for mold removal, one with a great pH balance that allows it to kill mold without being dangerous to people or pets. Sprinkle some baking soda on the mold, then scrub it in and rinse it off. From here, perform this same process again, but leave the baking soda there for roughly 30 minutes to an hour. After that time, just sweep or vacuum it away. It’s as simple as that!

Borax for Mold Removal

If you have a big job ahead of you when you’re removing mold, borax can be another great solution. Borax is mineral that essentially dehydrates mold, so you can just leave it there for a few hours to do its thing. Use as much borax as necessary in order to cover the areas afflicted with mold, and then let it dry completely before removing.

Tea Tree Oil for Mold Removal

In other cases, you might consider using tea tree oil, which is a highly effective fungicide, and one that’s considered safe for both humans and pets. Simply mix a small amount of tea tree oil with water, and then apply the mixture to your moldy areas. If you’d like, you can use a spray bottle to mist it on as well.

Leave it be for a few hours before wiping it clean or scrubbing it off with a mild detergent. We recommend using an old toothbrush or soft-bristle brush to get the mold out of any small areas. If you do not have tea tree oil in your home, it can usually be found in health food stores or online.

When Professional Assistance is Required

In some cases, even your best efforts using the DIY methods we’ve gone over here will not be effective. Some mold growths are so significant that they will not respond to these attempts — and in these cases, it’s prudent to call our team for professional mold removal and remediation services.

For more on mold removal and prevention in your home, or to learn about any of our deep cleaning, move-out cleaning or other services, speak to the staff at Healthy Homes Housekeeping today.

Factors in Determining Ogden Home Cleaning Frequency

When it comes to housekeeping and professional cleaning services, one of the most common question areas clients have is in the realm of cleaning frequency. Our housekeepers are available with a variety of different scheduling themes, including customizable setups, but how do you determine how often you should arrange for services?

At Healthy Homes Housekeeping, we’re here to help. Not only do we offer a wide range of professional cleaning services in Ogden and other parts of Utah, from maintenance cleaning to deep cleaning, move-in and move-out services and more, but also expertise on how to best utilize our services. We’ve assisted numerous clients with determining their ideal cleaning frequency using several important variables, each of which we’ll discuss here.

Your General Chore Frequency

First and foremost, how often do you perwform general cleaning chores around your home? The most common answer here for many homeowners is around once a week – many will save their major chores for a Saturday or Sunday, for instance, and will perform tasks like vacuuming, sweeping and cleaning bathrooms on these days.

Generally speaking, it’s good to match your professional home cleaning schedule with your personal cleaning schedule. If you clean about once a week, it’s also good to have your housekeeper come once a week – and you can even instruct them on any areas you want them to leave for you.

Housekeeping Budget

Next up, it’s time to think about your general budget for housekeeping services. While we all might prefer to have our homes cleaned twice a week by professionals, not everyone has the funds to accomplish this, and we understand that. For this area, we’re happy to provide you with a cost-free estimate for our cleaning services and what they’ll cost, based specifically on the areas you need cleaned and the specific processes involved.

Level of Cleanliness

Another important variable here is how clean you want the home, and there are varying levels to consider. This is one area that might require some trial-and-error – some will start out with monthly cleaning services, but if they are noticing too much dirt or grime buildup in between appointments, they may increase their frequency. You can always change your cleaning schedule depending on how clean you want the home; if you’re hosting a special party, for instance, you can request an additional appointment that week to ensure you’re in great shape.

General Schedules

And finally, you’ll naturally want to consider the basic schedules of the people who live in the home, plus our cleaners. It’s not necessary for homeowners to be gone during our cleaning, though it can be helpful at times – between this and other factors like your work schedule, kid school schedules and more, we’ll help you arrange the ideal setup so our services are carried out often enough without ever getting in your way.

For more on how to set up the ideal house cleaning schedule, or to learn about any of our housekeeping services in Ogden or other areas, speak to the staff at Healthy Homes Housekeeping today.

How Ogden House Cleaning Saves You Money

For most who consider them, the benefits of housekeeping and house cleaning services are pretty straightforward: They improve both convenience and home cleanliness, plus the aesthetic of your space. But did you realize that in many situations, house cleaning services are actually saving you money in the process?

At Healthy Homes Housekeeping, we’re proud to offer a variety of house cleaning services, from standard cleaning and maintenance through move-out cleaning, deep cleaning and several other solutions. On top of the ways we keep your space clean, inviting and healthy, how are we actively saving you money with our high-quality services in Ogden and nearby areas? Here are a few basic ways.

Home Features and Lifespan

Ask a professional who makes or installs any significant home feature, from carpet or tile to countertops, tubs, appliances and numerous others, and they’ll all tell you the same thing: Regular cleaning and upkeep play a major role in lifespan. Think about a carpet, for instance; if it isn’t cleaned regularly, it will accumulate dust, dirt, spills, animal hair and other debris, and these will grind into the carpet fibers. Over time they will damage and wear down the carpet, and before long you’ll be dealing with a worn-out, ugly-looking carpet.

On the flip side, however, regular cleaning avoids these risks – to numerous features and appliances. Avoid dirt and hard water deposits building up in bathroom fixtures, risking etching, for instance. Through these and similar themes, your home will be kept not only clean, but in a state where its major features can be expected to last much longer than they otherwise would, saving you money in the long run.

Supply Savings

If you’re having a particular cleaning or buildup issue within your home, you may have tried several different solutions without success. These chemicals or other items will often sit in your home for years after they’ve been tried unsuccessfully, wasting the price you paid on them.

When you call professionals for any cleaning job, on the other hand, we’re already experts in materials – and have many of them on-hand. You won’t have to waste any time experimenting with different options to find the right one, because our pros will simply inform you and handle the job ourselves.

Time is Money

Finally, we’ve all heard this old adage, and it’s true in many cases. When it comes to house cleaning, many homeowners who attempt to switch from professional cleaning to their own DIY jobs will be shocked at just how much is involved here – pro house cleaning is an incredibly detailed pursuit, and performing the same tasks will take most homeowners several hours a week at minimum. If you’re a busy person who has heavy demands on their time, you might be saving yourself both stress and actual money by hiring a professional house cleaner.

For more on the monetary savings house cleaning services provide many clients, or to learn about any of our Ogden housekeeping or related deep cleaning services, speak to the staff at Healthy Homes Housekeeping today.